Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Let's Meet at ISTE

With ISTE just around the corner, we're looking forward to the chance to connect with fellow PBL advocates. We've met many of you in the virtual world. Now's our chance to meet face to face. Here are a few events we hope you'll attend:

Birds of a Feather: Join us for a PBL Birds of a Feather event on Monday (6/28), 4:45-6:15 pm, room CCC 205/207

Hands-on Session: Tinkering Under the Hood: Strategies to Enhance Critical Thinking, Tuesday (6/29), 3:30-4:30 pm, CCC Korbel Ballroom 2A.
Plan on an engaging conversation about the role of inquiry in PBL.

Book Signing: We'll be signing copies of Reinventing Project-Based
and answering questions, Tuesday (6/29), 5-6 p.m., CCC, Lobby D

Poster Session: The Innovator's Toolkit, Wednesday (6/30), 8-10 am, CCC Lobby A.

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

SLA- Franklin Institute Graduation Ceremony 2010 127

SLA- Franklin Institute Graduation Ceremony 2010 127
Originally uploaded by Darryl W. Moran

Here they are, the first graduates of Science Leadership Academy. Read Principal Chris Lehmann's speech to students here. He says it all. Congratulations to Chris, the dedicated staff of SLA and to the graduating class of 2010!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What Projects Ask of Us

Jane and I just wrapped up two days of PBL planning with a wonderful group of teachers at the Laptop Leaders Academy in Mitchell, South Dakota. By the end of our session, they all had at least one project plan in draft stage, incorporating appropriate technology tools to meet essential learning goals. Better yet, they made new connections with one another which will continue to support them as they integrate the project approach into teaching and learning.
This Wordle image captures their brainstorming about the qualities that real-world projects ask of us (and our students). It's a pretty compelling list of traits. (Anything you'd add?)
We'll be checking back to see how the ideas that were sparked this week grow into authentic projects during the coming school year. Can't wait to hear more about projects that involve incorporating geometry into playground design, or challenging students to develop wellness plans for community members, or documenting the stories of World War II veterans.
Good luck and thanks to our new friends in South Dakota!